Enhanced Test Case Data Simulator

Solution to speed up your testing process


Bluerose Technologies’ Enhanced Test Data Simulator is a simple but invaluable tool for you and your team. Our component includes a user-friendly JSON editor that allows you to set up and simulate test data right within the Unit Test Case(UTC) rule, saving you significant amounts of time and effort.

Key Features

  1. Enhanced Test Data Simulator includes a user-friendly JSON editor.
  2. Bulk update of properties in Clipboard pages and simulated data pages.
  3. Simulate data for your data pages referenced inside various Pega rules.


  1. Saves a considerable amount of time when setting up test data using the JSON editor, which would otherwise require manually going through a long list of pages and updating many properties for your test data reference.
  2. With our Test Data Simulator, you can focus on the business functionality of your Unit Test Cases without worrying about specific values from integrations or data tables.
  3. Makes the test results more robust.
  4. Can be extended to Test Suites that can be run standalone or on each deployment using Deployment Manager or any other CI/CD pipeline.
  5. By accelerating the process of setting up test data, it frees up valuable time for UTC creators to focus on more important aspects of the development process.
  6. Create and simulate test data with ease, regardless of the complexity of the data or the rules in which it is referenced.
  Application Snapshots


The Enhanced Test Data Simulator is a valuable asset for any Pega project aiming for the following outcomes:
•  Ease of use
•  Ease of maintenance
•  Speed to market with robust quality

-by BRT CoE Leadership 

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